The Principles of Chinese Dietary Therapy
Chinese dietary therapy is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which recognizes the profound impact that diet has on the balance and harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. According to TCM, foods have unique properties and energies that can either support or disrupt the delicate balance of yin and yang, and the smooth flow of Qi (vital life energy) through the body’s meridians.
In Chinese dietary therapy, foods are classified according to their taste, temperature, and function within the body. The five main tastes—sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, and salty—each have specific effects on the body and are used to balance and harmonize the organ systems. Similarly, foods are considered to have either a warming, cooling, or neutral temperature, which can be used to address imbalances in the body’s yin and yang.
By tailoring dietary recommendations to your unique constitution and health concerns, Chinese dietary therapy aims to:
- Nourish and support the body’s natural healing processes
- Regulate the balance of yin and yang
- Promote the smooth flow of Qi through the meridians
- Address specific symptoms and health concerns
- Enhance overall vitality and well-being
When combined with the insights of modern nutritional science, Chinese dietary therapy offers a powerful, personalized approach to optimizing your health through the foods you eat.